People skills

We all have our days...some days we feel on top of the world some days we don't....
There are all sorts of people in this world....
There are times when we have the best of people around us...a stranger at a mall, the gardener in a nursery who smiles & is so happy to show you realize there are so many who are doing such a fantastic job, they are been handcrafted and send into that situation in your life to make one have FAITH. 
You may have a sweet lady at the supermarket who may be more than happy to give you her review of the jam you are contemplating about or the one who suggests which south Indian pre - packed snacks (Rajam snacks) are just perfect for us....
You cope up with grief by gardening & cooking rather make new friends with common come across warm hearted souls who have not seen you nor heard your voice nor know you but UNDERSTAND you. 
You may be naive at selecting brinjals for supper until a Burkha clad lady selects & hands you one & lifts her veil to flash the most mesmerizing smile :) 

You know you have angels around you taking care of you in this world....
You are never alone in this world 
You wonder if there is parking in a busy street & you just zip through & find it just at to your desired location! It means a lot to metropolitan city dwellers trust me ;)

All in all life seems to be woven in a perfect syncro of events...we just have to observe the daily miracles popping around us.
Today I had to deal with a rather rude person...I was all about to write about it & found myself remembering all the pleasant amazing things happening around me! So here I am with this post just about to click publish! with a title which says People Skills but is all about the perfect Universe around me :)


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