
Eyes …. So expressive…
So lively
When out for his walk….
On seeing de Rangoli by mum…
On my ability to jump higher than him….
When de ball suddenly disappears in thin air, courtesy me…
Oh! Your eyes….
So expressive
“Am so cute” eyes…
No need to pout, can still be expressive
Searching eyes
Ears standing erect, listening to de car…
Scared eyes…
On seeing firecrackers…
Happy, devilish eyes…
How do I get that cake!
Dull, Unwell eyes
Let me rest my head on your lap…
Loving, excited eyes…
On seeing Bobby (neighbour’ Lab)
Caring eyes….
When I run a temperature
Dreamy eyes…
Lying down next to me, gazing at the stars…
Moist, gentle eyes….
On seeing me cry
That’ my sweetum
Sunny my sweetheart…


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